Peach Peachcot


Prunus x – Peachcot

A fine dessert fruit crossed between a peach and an apricot. Golden, apricot-like flesh – sweet, crisp and juicy. Slightly smaller in size to Peach ‘Golden Queen.’ Golden to green skin. Heavy bearer of fruit. Small, clingstone seed. Grows approximately 3m tall.

Sunny, sheltered position in fertile, well drained soil. Tolerates light frosts. Protect from spring frosts while fresh buds are emerging. Water deeply during dry periods and fruit formation.

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Prunus x – Peachcot

A fine dessert fruit crossed between a peach and an apricot. Golden, apricot-like flesh – sweet, crisp and juicy. Slightly smaller in size to Peach ‘Golden Queen.’ Golden to green skin. Heavy bearer of fruit. Small, clingstone seed. Grows approximately 3m tall.

Sunny, sheltered position in fertile, well drained soil. Tolerates light frosts. Protect from spring frosts while fresh buds are emerging. Water deeply during dry periods and fruit formation.