Lagerstroemia Indica Flamenco


Lagerstroemia indica ‘Flamenco’ (Crepe Myrtle)

Produces masses of lightly fragrant, rich ruby-mauve flowers through summer and autumn. Deep green foliage developing to rich orange autumn colour before losing it’s leaves. Deciduous. Grows approximately 1.5 x 1.5m.

Provide a full sun position with well draining soil. Hardy. Drought tolerant. Protect from harsh winds and heavy frosts. Prune late winter and remove spent blooms to encourage second flush.

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Sunlight:Full sun
Temperature:Low, frost hardy
Wind:Requires protection from wind
Moisture:Grows in average garden conditions, Grows in dry conditions, needs perfect drainage
Texture:Light, loose, free, Average garden conditions
Colour:Red, Pink
SKU: LAG FLA 2.5 Categories: , ,


Lagerstroemia indica ‘Flamenco’ (Crepe Myrtle)

Produces masses of lightly fragrant, rich ruby-mauve flowers through summer and autumn. Deep green foliage developing to rich orange autumn colour before losing it’s leaves. Deciduous. Grows approximately 1.5 x 1.5m.

Provide a full sun position with well draining soil. Hardy. Drought tolerant. Protect from harsh winds and heavy frosts. Prune late winter and remove spent blooms to encourage second flush.