Gazania splendens ‘Takatu Red’


A real ‘wow’ plant from South Africa, which features the largest blood red flowers of any Gazania. Forming a small spreading clump of olive green leaves, the multiple blooms catch attention from a distance.

Takatu Red will thrive in a well drained, full sun position and otherwise requires very little care. Tolerant of drought, coastal conditions and light frost. Remove dead flower heads to encourage repeat flowering.

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SKU: GAZ TAK 1.5L Categories: , ,


A real ‘wow’ plant from South Africa, which features the largest blood red flowers of any Gazania. Forming a small spreading clump of olive green leaves, the multiple blooms catch attention from a distance.

Takatu Red will thrive in a well drained, full sun position and otherwise requires very little care. Tolerant of drought, coastal conditions and light frost. Remove dead flower heads to encourage repeat flowering.