Camellia Quintessence 2L


Camellia japonica x lutchuensis ‘Quintessence’

A hybrid camellia bearing small, fragrant, single, white flowers blushed pink. Blooms early to mid-season (autumn through winter). An evergreen generally grown as a spreading groundcover with an average growth of 50cm in height and 1.5m in width. Can grow approximately 2-3m tall if staked and trained.

Prefers a part shade position with morning sun and shelter from the hot afternoon sun. Grows in dense shade but this restricts flowering. Plant in acidic, moist, well-drained soil. Mulching is beneficial in hot weather to keep roots cool. Feed in spring and lightly trim is required. Protect from wind. Frost hardy.

Only 2 left in stock

Sunlight:Full sun, Filtered/partial sun
Temperature:Low, frost hardy
Wind:Indifferent to most wind except stormy conditions
Moisture:Grows in average garden conditions
Texture:Average garden conditions
Chemistry:Acid or lime-free conditions
SKU: CAM QUI HYBR 2L Categories: , ,


Camellia japonica x lutchuensis ‘Quintessence’

A hybrid camellia bearing small, fragrant, single, white flowers blushed pink. Blooms early to mid-season (autumn through winter). An evergreen generally grown as a spreading groundcover with an average growth of 50cm in height and 1.5m in width. Can grow approximately 2-3m tall if staked and trained.

Prefers a part shade position with morning sun and shelter from the hot afternoon sun. Grows in dense shade but this restricts flowering. Plant in acidic, moist, well-drained soil. Mulching is beneficial in hot weather to keep roots cool. Feed in spring and lightly trim is required. Protect from wind. Frost hardy.