Boronia Megastigma Brown


Boronia megastigma – Brown Boronia

A small, evergreen shrub with fine, aromatic foliage. During winter and spring it bears a profusion of highly fragrant, brownish, bell-shaped flowers that are yellow on the inside. Ideal for native gardens, rockeries and containers. Position plants near doorways or windows where their fragrance can be enjoyed. Flowers last well in vases indoors. Grows approximately 1 x 1m.

Grows in a cool, partly shaded position in moist, well drained soil. Ensure a cool root system. Trim back after flowering to maintain shape if desired.

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Sunlight:Filtered/partial sun
Temperature:Low, frost hardy
Wind:Requires protection from wind
Moisture:Grows in wet/boggy soil or needs a lot of moisture, Grows in average garden conditions
Texture:Average garden conditions
SKU: BOR MEG BRO 2.5L Categories: , ,


Boronia megastigma – Brown Boronia

A small, evergreen shrub with fine, aromatic foliage. During winter and spring it bears a profusion of highly fragrant, brownish, bell-shaped flowers that are yellow on the inside. Ideal for native gardens, rockeries and containers. Position plants near doorways or windows where their fragrance can be enjoyed. Flowers last well in vases indoors. Grows approximately 1 x 1m.

Grows in a cool, partly shaded position in moist, well drained soil. Ensure a cool root system. Trim back after flowering to maintain shape if desired.