Astelia nervosa ‘Westland’ 2.0


Astelia nervosa ‘Westland’ (Mountain Astelia, Kakaha)

The highly ornamental foliage of this New Zealand native creates a strong architectural effect. Astelia ‘Westland’ is delightful with it’s silvery, arching, flax-like leaves flushed with gold and reddish-bronze. Ideal for group planting in the garden. Fabulous in containers. Grows approximately 1 x 1m.

A part shade position is ideal with fertile, free draining soil. Water well during periods of drought. Grows in damp conditions. Resistant to light frosts. Suitable for coastal locations but best to protect from strong winds.

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Sunlight:Full sun, Filtered/partial sun
Temperature:Low, frost hardy
Wind:Tolerant of coastal (salt) exposure
Moisture:Grows in wet/boggy soil or needs a lot of moisture, Grows in average garden conditions, Grows in dry conditions, needs perfect drainage
Texture:Light, loose, free, Average garden conditions, Heavy/clay soils
SKU: AST WES 2.5 Categories: , , ,


Astelia nervosa ‘Westland’ (Mountain Astelia, Kakaha)

The highly ornamental foliage of this New Zealand native creates a strong architectural effect. Astelia ‘Westland’ is delightful with it’s silvery, arching, flax-like leaves flushed with gold and reddish-bronze. Ideal for group planting in the garden. Fabulous in containers. Grows approximately 1 x 1m.

A part shade position is ideal with fertile, free draining soil. Water well during periods of drought. Grows in damp conditions. Resistant to light frosts. Suitable for coastal locations but best to protect from strong winds.