Apple Triple GD/RG/BRAE


Triple grafted – three varieties on one tree.

Golden Delicious: World-famous apple with great taste, texture, aroma and appearance. Honeyed flavour, very sweet especially when tree-ripened. Crops regularly and heavily late in the season. Harvest May. It produces on both tips and spurs.

Royal Gala: Golden yellow and red streaks. Dessert juicy fruit keeps well. Creamy, fine textured flesh, crisp, sweet and juicy, Royal Gala is regarded as one of the world’s finest apples. Matures in mid summer. Ripens late February-March. Tip bearing.

Braeburn: Red flecks on gold background. This New Zealand apple is now one the world’s top commercial selections. It has delicious, crisp, juicy flesh and superb sweet-tart flavour with a noticeably aromatic aftertaste. Excellent keeper. Late season. Ripens April-May.

Tree grows approximately 4m high x 3m wide. Plant in a sunny, sheltered spot in free draining soil prepared with organic matter. Stake for support until established. Water frequently while young, during long, dry periods and while the fruit is developing. Frost tolerant while dormant but protect fresh buds from spring frosts.

In stock

Sunlight:Full sun
Temperature:Medium, light frost OK
Wind:Indifferent to most wind except stormy conditions
Moisture:Grows in average garden conditions
Texture:Average garden conditions
SKU: 111112260 Categories: , ,


Triple grafted – three varieties on one tree.

Golden Delicious: World-famous apple with great taste, texture, aroma and appearance. Honeyed flavour, very sweet especially when tree-ripened. Crops regularly and heavily late in the season. Harvest May. It produces on both tips and spurs.

Royal Gala: Golden yellow and red streaks. Dessert juicy fruit keeps well. Creamy, fine textured flesh, crisp, sweet and juicy, Royal Gala is regarded as one of the world’s finest apples. Matures in mid summer. Ripens late February-March. Tip bearing.

Braeburn: Red flecks on gold background. This New Zealand apple is now one the world’s top commercial selections. It has delicious, crisp, juicy flesh and superb sweet-tart flavour with a noticeably aromatic aftertaste. Excellent keeper. Late season. Ripens April-May.

Tree grows approximately 4m high x 3m wide. Plant in a sunny, sheltered spot in free draining soil prepared with organic matter. Stake for support until established. Water frequently while young, during long, dry periods and while the fruit is developing. Frost tolerant while dormant but protect fresh buds from spring frosts.