Agapanthus ‘Charlotte’


Agapanthus x ‘Charlotte’ (African Lily)

This beauty ticks all the boxes; a charming, dwarf habit with sturdy flower stems that will only reach 30-40cm tall in a stunning, deep blue. Flowers summer through till winter. The small size is perfect for suburban gardens and pots. To cap this off, ‘Charlotte’ is environmentally sound and will not set and seed and spread.

Easy care. Prefers full sun to part shade. Generally untroubled by any pest or disease. Thrives in most conditions. Frost tolerant. Slug bait and feed annually for best performance.

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Sunlight:Full sun, Filtered/partial sun
Temperature:Low, frost hardy
Wind:Tolerant of coastal (salt) exposure
Moisture:Grows in wet/boggy soil or needs a lot of moisture, Grows in average garden conditions, Grows in dry conditions, needs perfect drainage
Texture:Light, loose, free, Average garden conditions, Heavy/clay soils
SKU: AGA CHA 1-5L Categories: , , , ,


Agapanthus x ‘Charlotte’ (African Lily)

This beauty ticks all the boxes; a charming, dwarf habit with sturdy flower stems that will only reach 30-40cm tall in a stunning, deep blue. Flowers summer through till winter. The small size is perfect for suburban gardens and pots. To cap this off, ‘Charlotte’ is environmentally sound and will not set and seed and spread.

Easy care. Prefers full sun to part shade. Generally untroubled by any pest or disease. Thrives in most conditions. Frost tolerant. Slug bait and feed annually for best performance.