To get the best of your bulbs, sometimes they need a little treatment before planting. Stagger planting (planting bulbs a few weeks apart) means you get more blooms spread out through the season.
When flowering is over, the rule of thumb with spring bulbs is to let the foliage die back, naturally. This allows the plant to retrieve and store the energy in the bulb for next year.
If stagger planted, anemones can flower for up to 6 months. To get the best of your anemones, place them in the fridge for 5-6 weeks, and then the day before planting, soak in water, over night (10-12 hours). This encourages them to sprout faster. The best soil temperature is between 12-15 degrees Celsius.
Plant in groups, about 3-4cm deep and 6-8 cm apart, in a sunny, well drained spot. Plant bulb, pointy side down, as this is the part the root sprouts from. If unsure, plant bulb on its side.
For best results, chill in the fridge for 5-6 weeks, then soak over night (10-12 hours) in water.
Plant in groups, about 3-4 cm deep and 6-8 cm apart.
Ranunculus are heavy feeders, and like good drainage
Best planted in full sun or a semi shaded position
Plant bulb with claws pointing down.
Hyacinths announce their presence with a very strong scent. Best planted in March/April in a cool spot. Grow in pots or the garden. Raise the beds if the soil is heavy or wet. Plant 8-10 cm apart, and 8-10 cm deep. Plant bulb point facing up. When flowering finishes, cut off the old flower spike (but leave the leaves on). This encourages bulb growth.
Hyacinths can also be grown in jars, with water only. Place bulb in jar, fill with water up to but not touching the bulb.
Easy to grow, and the favourite among spring bulbs. Nothing says spring like a daffodil! Best planted in clumps 8-10 cm deep and 10-15 cm apart.
Nerines require a light, well drained soil, with not too much nitrogen. Plant in a sunny place. The shoulder of the bulb should be showing above the dirt. Space them approximately 8-10 cm apart in groups. To get long stems, they will need a little more shade. Nerines will naturalise if left undisturbed.
Scilla (Blue Bells)
Commonly know as ‘Blue Bells’ or ‘Wood Hyacinths’, these attractive flowers are easily grown and naturalised. Very tolerant of most conditions, but best planted in groups 6-8 cm deep and 8-10 cm apart.