Hebe La Seduisante 2.5lt
A spreading, bushy shrub with long, purplish branches. New leaves emerge purple, then become long, oblong, dark green, glossy leaves with purple undersides. A mass of large, violet-purple flowers are dense and smother the bush, appearing in summer and autumn. Grows approximately 1.5m high x 2m wide.
Grows in either full sun or partial shade with well drained soil. Suitable for dry sites. Tolerates moderate frost and exposed, coastal situations. Responds well to pruning after flowering.
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A spreading, bushy shrub with long, purplish branches. New leaves emerge purple, then become long, oblong, dark green, glossy leaves with purple undersides. A mass of large, violet-purple flowers are dense and smother the bush, appearing in summer and autumn. Grows approximately 1.5m high x 2m wide.
Grows in either full sun or partial shade with well drained soil. Suitable for dry sites. Tolerates moderate frost and exposed, coastal situations. Responds well to pruning after flowering.