St. John’s Hill School

School Gardening Partnership 2024

We are an enviroschool and we want to keep our garden-to-table programme going throughout our school.

We value empowering students to learn to grow their own kai, especially veggies and fruit from our orchard. We look in our lunch boxes and think about where our kai comes from, who is growing it and where is it processed or distributed? Our idea is to take sustainable action and we would love to utilise your expertise to help us with our continuing journey.

This year we are establishing some new gardens due to some improvements in our playground and your donation of gardening supplies would be fantastic to get these projects up and running.”

School Vege Challenge 2023

Harvest Time & Judging

You can see St Johns School has been gardening for a few years now, with well established beds and routines to show. Being a part of Enviro-schools has given these guys a great head-start. There is terrific involvement from the whole school with passion and excitement from the students, teachers and parents. It’s fantastic to see food-to-table working so well here.

Mid Challenge Update

With St Johns’ being an enviro-school, they were well prepared for the challenge with an already established garden area which they were quite keen to build on. Each classroom had a garden bed dedicated to maintaining, encouraging every student to be involved in the process. Great set up with very healthy plants. Lots of variety in vegetables, as well as herbs, flowers, and the occasional native plant.

They were having trouble with weeds so we’ve recommended the use of mulch to help suppress the weeds and foster good growth.

Getting Going

We would like to take part in this challenge as we are a Green/Gold enviro school and would like to invigorate the school garden to table part of our education for sustainability that we practice at St Johns Hill School. We have been on this journey for 23 years and gained Green Gold status in 2009.
We wish to encourage and stimulate garden to table practices for our future generations that take care of our Earth in a sustainable way. As part of our EFS ethos we look at waste, composting, scraps go to our chickens and this educates students in a sustainable action.

Brydie (from Springvale) and Elyana (from Whanganui Chronicle) out and about delivering the starter kits.