Vincon Red Wine Stock 250ml


Prenzel Red Wine Stock Concentrate 250ml

A pre-reduced red wine stock. Prenzel Red Vincon has all the flavours of red wine, with no alcohol. Halal certified, Gluten Free, and with a long shelf life even after opening, Prenzel Red Vincon is a great addition to any kitchen.

  • Add extra flavour to any stew or casseroles
  • Fantastic in marinades
  • Add “pizzazz” to any sauce

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Prenzel Red Wine Stock Concentrate 250ml

A pre-reduced red wine stock. Prenzel Red Vincon has all the flavours of red wine, with no alcohol. Halal certified, Gluten Free, and with a long shelf life even after opening, Prenzel Red Vincon is a great addition to any kitchen.

  • Add extra flavour to any stew or casseroles
  • Fantastic in marinades
  • Add “pizzazz” to any sauce