Seeds – Squash Kamokamo
Curcubita pepo – Squash ‘Kamokamo’
Kamokamo is a treasured squash variety, with a delicious nutty flavour. The speckled green fruit has distinctive ribs, and if harvested young can be used like a courgette. Larger mature fruit are best cooked like a pumpkin. Delicious pan-fried, roasted, mashed with butter, boiled or in fritters.
- Māori cuisine
- Tasty fruits
- Vigorous grower
Germinates: 5-8 days
Matures: 8-12 weeks
Only 3 left in stock
Curcubita pepo – Squash ‘Kamokamo’
Kamokamo is a treasured squash variety, with a delicious nutty flavour. The speckled green fruit has distinctive ribs, and if harvested young can be used like a courgette. Larger mature fruit are best cooked like a pumpkin. Delicious pan-fried, roasted, mashed with butter, boiled or in fritters.
- Māori cuisine
- Tasty fruits
- Vigorous grower
Germinates: 5-8 days
Matures: 8-12 weeks