Premium Lawn 1kg


Premium Lawn Seed – 1kg

80% Premium Chewing Fescue + 20% Browntop

  • Very fine texture.
  • Good drought tolerance.
  • Good for shady areas.

Our Premium Lawn blend (superfine) used to be the standard lawn seed blend used throughout New Zealand. This blend will stand closer mowing than other blends and is excellent in areas where summer moisture levels are low, or where irrigation is not possible all the time. Use widely to repair older lawns.

1kg of seed covers 28-40m²

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Premium Lawn Seed – 1kg

80% Premium Chewing Fescue + 20% Browntop

  • Very fine texture.
  • Good drought tolerance.
  • Good for shady areas.

Our Premium Lawn blend (superfine) used to be the standard lawn seed blend used throughout New Zealand. This blend will stand closer mowing than other blends and is excellent in areas where summer moisture levels are low, or where irrigation is not possible all the time. Use widely to repair older lawns.

1kg of seed covers 28-40m²