Plumcot Spring Satin


Prunus x – Plumcot ‘Spring Satin’

A plum-apricot cross, which combines the spritely plum flavour with the sweetness of apricot. The large reddish-black skinned fruit has golden flesh that is very sweet and flavoursome. An early season variety. Cross pollinates with any Japanese plum flowering at the same time, including Santa Rosa. A productive, semi-dwarf tree growing to 3m.

Sunny, sheltered position in fertile, well drained soil. Tolerates light frosts. Protect from spring frosts while fresh buds are emerging. Water deeply during dry periods and fruit formation.

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Prunus x – Plumcot ‘Spring Satin’

A plum-apricot cross, which combines the spritely plum flavour with the sweetness of apricot. The large reddish-black skinned fruit has golden flesh that is very sweet and flavoursome. An early season variety. Cross pollinates with any Japanese plum flowering at the same time, including Santa Rosa. A productive, semi-dwarf tree growing to 3m.

Sunny, sheltered position in fertile, well drained soil. Tolerates light frosts. Protect from spring frosts while fresh buds are emerging. Water deeply during dry periods and fruit formation.