Peony Sarah Bernhardt
Paeonia lactiflora ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ (Peony)
Very elegant, princess-pink coloured blooms. Sweetly scented, double blooms, 20cm in width, with ruffled inner petals. Herbaceous perennial with divided foliage and erect stems bearing blooms up to 100cm high. Late flowering peony.
Peonies grow and flower best in full sun but will tolerate some light, afternoon shade. Well drained, deep, fertile soil is essential. Good air flow around the plant is important to help protect against fungus. A good dressing of fertilizer is recommended each Spring, and after flowering if necessary. Clean up and remove all foliage in Autumn to prepare for dormancy. Peonies grow best in cool climates as they will only bloom well if they experience a pronounced period of winter chilling.
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Paeonia lactiflora ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ (Peony)
Very elegant, princess-pink coloured blooms. Sweetly scented, double blooms, 20cm in width, with ruffled inner petals. Herbaceous perennial with divided foliage and erect stems bearing blooms up to 100cm high. Late flowering peony.
Peonies grow and flower best in full sun but will tolerate some light, afternoon shade. Well drained, deep, fertile soil is essential. Good air flow around the plant is important to help protect against fungus. A good dressing of fertilizer is recommended each Spring, and after flowering if necessary. Clean up and remove all foliage in Autumn to prepare for dormancy. Peonies grow best in cool climates as they will only bloom well if they experience a pronounced period of winter chilling.