Peach Honey Babe 50cm Std


Dwarf Peach ‘Honey Babe’ – 50cm Standard

A naturally dwarf peach tree, grown as a standard (grafted at 50cm above ground). Medium to large fruit with sweet, juicy, orange flesh and tangy flavour. Harvest in February. Showy, pink flowers. Fruits best near other peaches or nectarines for cross pollination. Honey Babe will often be evergreen through the winter, which has no negative effects on it’s fruit production. Grows approximately 1.5 x 1.5m.

Sunny, sheltered position in fertile, well drained soil. Tolerates light frosts. Protect from spring frosts while fresh buds are emerging. Water deeply during dry periods and fruit formation.

Only 4 left in stock

Sunlight:Full sun
Temperature:Medium, light frost OK
Wind:Requires protection from wind
Moisture:Grows in average garden conditions
Texture:Average garden conditions
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Dwarf Peach ‘Honey Babe’ – 50cm Standard

A naturally dwarf peach tree, grown as a standard (grafted at 50cm above ground). Medium to large fruit with sweet, juicy, orange flesh and tangy flavour. Harvest in February. Showy, pink flowers. Fruits best near other peaches or nectarines for cross pollination. Honey Babe will often be evergreen through the winter, which has no negative effects on it’s fruit production. Grows approximately 1.5 x 1.5m.

Sunny, sheltered position in fertile, well drained soil. Tolerates light frosts. Protect from spring frosts while fresh buds are emerging. Water deeply during dry periods and fruit formation.