Magnolia Fairy Blush


Magnolia ‘Fairy Blush’ is a Michelia hybrid bred by renowned New Zealand breeder Mark Jury. Flowers September to November with beautiful, fragrant flowers blushed lilac pink. Upright, compact and bushy shrub with dense, dark green, evergreen foliage. Has a strong, horizontal branching structure which makes it ideal for training and use in hedges. Also grows well as a small specimen tree or large shrub. Grows approximately 3m high x 2m wide. Can be planted 1.5m apart for hedging.

Full sun to part shade in well drained soil. Frost tolerant, but it is recommended to protect from late, spring frosts that will affect bud development. Tolerant of drier conditions when established, but not complete drought. Keep well watered for best results. Does not suit heavy, waterlogged soils.

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Sunlight:Full sun, Filtered/partial sun
Temperature:Medium, light frost OK
Wind:Indifferent to most wind except stormy conditions
Moisture:Grows in average garden conditions, Grows in dry conditions, needs perfect drainage
Texture:Light, loose, free, Average garden conditions
SKU: MAG FAI 2-5c Categories: , , , , ,


Magnolia ‘Fairy Blush’ is a Michelia hybrid bred by renowned New Zealand breeder Mark Jury. Flowers September to November with beautiful, fragrant flowers blushed lilac pink. Upright, compact and bushy shrub with dense, dark green, evergreen foliage. Has a strong, horizontal branching structure which makes it ideal for training and use in hedges. Also grows well as a small specimen tree or large shrub. Grows approximately 3m high x 2m wide. Can be planted 1.5m apart for hedging.

Full sun to part shade in well drained soil. Frost tolerant, but it is recommended to protect from late, spring frosts that will affect bud development. Tolerant of drier conditions when established, but not complete drought. Keep well watered for best results. Does not suit heavy, waterlogged soils.