Hibiscus Conqueror


Fijian. Large, single, apricot flowers with a deep red centre and reflexed petals. Grows approximately 1 x 1m. Hibiscus are ideal plants to help create a subtropical garden. Ideal for pots, courtyards and general garden plantings. Large, brightly-coloured, showy flowers are produces in abundance from late spring to early winter, on the new growth.

Thrives in warm, sunny positions and coastal regions that are protected from harsh winds. Requires a rich, well drained soil with regular, deep watering through summer. Prefers a frost-free position and tolerates only the lightest frosts. Cut back in early spring to promote bushiness and flowering.

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Sunlight:Full sun, Filtered/partial sun
Temperature:High, frost free
Wind:Requires protection from wind, Tolerant of coastal (salt) exposure
Moisture:Grows in average garden conditions
Texture:Light, loose, free, Average garden conditions
SKU: HIBCN-B2.5 Categories: , ,


Fijian. Large, single, apricot flowers with a deep red centre and reflexed petals. Grows approximately 1 x 1m. Hibiscus are ideal plants to help create a subtropical garden. Ideal for pots, courtyards and general garden plantings. Large, brightly-coloured, showy flowers are produces in abundance from late spring to early winter, on the new growth.

Thrives in warm, sunny positions and coastal regions that are protected from harsh winds. Requires a rich, well drained soil with regular, deep watering through summer. Prefers a frost-free position and tolerates only the lightest frosts. Cut back in early spring to promote bushiness and flowering.