Delphinium ‘Morning Lights’ 9cm


White, central bees surrounded by soft mauve-purple and blue outer petals, echo an early morning sun shining through the mist. This plant is substantial, solid, very hardy and reliable, with lush green foliage, bold spikes and a colour that blends with almost anything. Height approximately 100 – 140cm.

Full sun in a sheltered position from wind. Plant in rich, well drained soil, feed and water well. Keep slugs away.

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White, central bees surrounded by soft mauve-purple and blue outer petals, echo an early morning sun shining through the mist. This plant is substantial, solid, very hardy and reliable, with lush green foliage, bold spikes and a colour that blends with almost anything. Height approximately 100 – 140cm.

Full sun in a sheltered position from wind. Plant in rich, well drained soil, feed and water well. Keep slugs away.