Begonia – Bright Lights 1pk
‘Bright Lights’ – Giant Frilled Begonia
Frilled Begonias are similar to the Camellia type, but for their lovely frilled edges, and provide a remarkable combination when planted together. ‘Bright Lights’ features very large, brilliant yellow blooms against dark foliage. Height 30-40cm. Flowering early summer through autumn.
Hardy and easy to grow. Full sun to part shade position with well drained soil. Plant between August and October. A good dressing of fertilizer is recommended each Spring.
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‘Bright Lights’ – Giant Frilled Begonia
Frilled Begonias are similar to the Camellia type, but for their lovely frilled edges, and provide a remarkable combination when planted together. ‘Bright Lights’ features very large, brilliant yellow blooms against dark foliage. Height 30-40cm. Flowering early summer through autumn.
Hardy and easy to grow. Full sun to part shade position with well drained soil. Plant between August and October. A good dressing of fertilizer is recommended each Spring.