Apple Crimson Spire


Columnar-type growing only 3m tall and 60cm wide, perfect for containers, small gardens and patios. A late-eating, dark red skinned apple with crisp, tangy, white flesh. Matures mid to late March. Pollinate with any other apple variety flowering at the same time.

Plant in a sunny, sheltered spot in free-draining soil prepared with organic matter. Stake the tree to keep it secure until established. Easy to care for, requiring almost no pruning. Water well during dry spells while young, and during fruit development.

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Sunlight:Full sun
Temperature:Low, frost hardy
Wind:Requires protection from wind
Moisture:Grows in average garden conditions
Texture:Light, loose, free, Average garden conditions
SKU: APP CRI 4.7L M11 Categories: , ,


Columnar-type growing only 3m tall and 60cm wide, perfect for containers, small gardens and patios. A late-eating, dark red skinned apple with crisp, tangy, white flesh. Matures mid to late March. Pollinate with any other apple variety flowering at the same time.

Plant in a sunny, sheltered spot in free-draining soil prepared with organic matter. Stake the tree to keep it secure until established. Easy to care for, requiring almost no pruning. Water well during dry spells while young, and during fruit development.