Agapanthus Agapetite


Agapanthus orientalis ‘Agapetite’ (Variegated African Lily)

This true dwarf Agapanthus is a real winner. It will stay small and compact, and will smother itself in masses of heads of white flowers. Great in small pots or a short, flowering border. Grows approximately 15cm high x 20cm wide. Sterile and eco-friendly, so won’t spread through the garden.

Easy care. Prefers full sun to part shade. Generally untroubled by any pest or disease. Thrives in most conditions, but for best results provide a well drained soil. Frost tolerant. Slug bait and feed annually for best performance.

Only 2 left in stock

Sunlight:Full sun, Filtered/partial sun
Temperature:Low, frost hardy
Wind:Tolerant of coastal (salt) exposure
Moisture:Grows in wet/boggy soil or needs a lot of moisture, Grows in average garden conditions, Grows in dry conditions, needs perfect drainage
Texture:Light, loose, free, Average garden conditions, Heavy/clay soils
SKU: AGA PET 1-3 Categories: , , , ,


Agapanthus orientalis ‘Agapetite’ (Variegated African Lily)

This true dwarf Agapanthus is a real winner. It will stay small and compact, and will smother itself in masses of heads of white flowers. Great in small pots or a short, flowering border. Grows approximately 15cm high x 20cm wide. Sterile and eco-friendly, so won’t spread through the garden.

Easy care. Prefers full sun to part shade. Generally untroubled by any pest or disease. Thrives in most conditions, but for best results provide a well drained soil. Frost tolerant. Slug bait and feed annually for best performance.