


Product Comparison Chart

Use this chart to compare products for pests or diseases controlled, approved status/crops, safety to people and environment, effectiveness and cost per litre of diluted ready to use spray.

This chart is provided as a quick reference. For more detailed information on the pest or disease, cultural practices to minimise the problem, organic practices, details on all widely distributed home garden pesticides, or assistance with identification, refer to the book Garden Pest & Disease Control – Essential NZ Guide.

  • The product listings in this table are given a rating from 1 to 5 stars, with 5 being the lowest toxicity, eco-friendly, and most effective.
  • Not all natural organic pesticides are safe or approved for use on food crops. eg. Only three available brands of Neem Oil are
    registered and approved for use on edible crops, high level of active ingredient, and free of aflatoxin. BioGro certified organic – only
    means certified free of synthetic chemicals – it is NOT certified free of natural toxins, it is NOT certified safe to use on food crops, it is
    NOT certified effective for purpose. Always use a pesticide that is registered under the ACVM Act 1997 and approved for use on food
    crops. No exemptions are granted for use on food crops.